Hostname: _gateway
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2023-05-09 14:48:08 UTC+0000 (591 days, 23 hrs, 13 mins, 31 secs ago)

In: 111,275,872
Out: 19,473,089,864
Total: 19,584,365,736

TCP ports on this host

The table is empty.

TCP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

UDP ports on this host

(1-18 of 18)
Port Service In Out Total
36523 0 4,268,111,005 4,268,111,005
12580 0 2,898,205,326 2,898,205,326
56937 0 2,886,085,644 2,886,085,644
21368 0 2,586,509,585 2,586,509,585
10147 0 1,967,094,658 1,967,094,658
1401 goldleaf-licman 0 1,633,731,567 1,633,731,567
11923 0 888,296,890 888,296,890
65436 0 553,680,532 553,680,532
15443 0 418,249,205 418,249,205
51171 0 414,443,166 414,443,166
7567 0 4,540,092 4,540,092
58865 0 276,849 276,849
56891 0 70,077 70,077
1900 ssdp 0 28,096 28,096
60355 3,120 0 3,120
49664 2,496 0 2,496
58992 1,872 0 1,872
58147 624 0 624

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-6 of 6)
Port Service In Out Total
1900 ssdp 18,519,294,596 8,112 18,519,302,708
49664 12,292 0 12,292
58992 5,268 0 5,268
60355 5,268 0 5,268
65506 3,512 0 3,512
58147 1,756 0 1,756

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 8,112 18,519,322,692 18,519,330,804
58 ipv6-icmp 111,267,760 953,767,172 1,065,034,932