Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2020-05-12 09:50:23 UTC+0000 (1684 days, 8 hrs, 1 min, 50 secs ago)

In: 40,006,017
Out: 1,690,683,552
Total: 1,730,689,569

TCP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 39,926,309 1,685,505,692 1,725,432,001 194
80 http www www-http 79,708 5,177,860 5,257,568 1

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
45640 156,946,663 3,672,776 160,619,439 0
51848 130,100,429 3,041,889 133,142,318 0
39378 107,688,418 2,550,285 110,238,703 0
46528 70,040,045 1,613,138 71,653,183 0
54494 69,637,142 1,661,712 71,298,854 0
47300 58,947,495 1,376,236 60,323,731 0
53168 58,549,119 1,368,293 59,917,412 0
45136 46,274,689 1,055,568 47,330,257 0
38334 45,219,444 1,086,137 46,305,581 0
45698 43,363,739 991,740 44,355,479 0
51968 38,687,233 850,567 39,537,800 0
56606 37,840,885 812,396 38,653,281 0
41928 34,924,538 803,140 35,727,678 0
42312 32,653,897 762,662 33,416,559 0
54938 32,031,561 798,180 32,829,741 0
56428 31,369,626 755,336 32,124,962 0
48550 31,282,036 763,741 32,045,777 0
41402 27,678,463 629,823 28,308,286 0
56384 26,955,306 631,790 27,587,096 0
46140 26,320,420 612,511 26,932,931 0
56012 26,056,838 647,124 26,703,962 0
37290 26,033,969 642,590 26,676,559 0
39036 25,190,685 596,715 25,787,400 0
52736 23,538,328 534,378 24,072,706 0
41714 21,033,787 477,522 21,511,309 0
44956 20,068,331 480,309 20,548,640 0
55174 19,874,882 490,636 20,365,518 0
53072 19,689,917 451,767 20,141,684 0
38864 19,224,924 443,706 19,668,630 0
40648 16,802,774 386,227 17,189,001 0

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 40,006,017 1,690,683,552 1,730,689,569