Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2020-11-26 07:39:46 UTC+0000 (1486 days, 10 hrs, 44 mins, 59 secs ago)

In: 10,051,994
Out: 405,392,712
Total: 415,444,706

TCP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 10,044,781 405,370,546 415,415,327 99
80 http www www-http 7,213 22,166 29,379 3

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 47)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
59614 81,325,725 1,991,910 83,317,635 0
45288 37,168,314 861,437 38,029,751 0
58318 32,139,716 759,369 32,899,085 0
58024 27,097,628 620,869 27,718,497 0
35024 25,794,684 630,934 26,425,618 0
60878 24,077,065 596,471 24,673,536 0
58128 19,547,227 437,158 19,984,385 0
38708 18,839,180 474,628 19,313,808 0
58022 17,418,141 416,087 17,834,228 0
53076 15,101,593 375,894 15,477,487 0
41150 9,804,604 238,355 10,042,959 0
60062 8,647,251 214,636 8,861,887 0
37022 6,945,436 161,707 7,107,143 0
37878 6,824,055 168,224 6,992,279 0
38244 6,656,052 163,663 6,819,715 0
41900 5,461,122 143,773 5,604,895 0
36508 5,204,654 123,847 5,328,501 0
33642 5,186,093 130,039 5,316,132 0
37634 5,161,745 102,155 5,263,900 0
60060 4,530,889 104,838 4,635,727 0
41798 4,335,972 123,259 4,459,231 0
47114 3,583,871 84,612 3,668,483 0
57746 3,384,042 118,041 3,502,083 0
37514 3,272,765 77,048 3,349,813 0
38030 3,225,477 70,555 3,296,032 0
47726 3,116,922 107,032 3,223,954 0
41664 2,380,013 64,440 2,444,453 0
52530 2,352,443 58,727 2,411,170 0
60712 1,872,939 54,409 1,927,348 0
36882 1,782,031 43,485 1,825,516 0

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 10,051,994 405,392,712 415,444,706