Hostname: luisaranguren
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2021-02-02 03:07:57 UTC+0000 (1340 days, 11 hrs, 29 mins, 28 secs ago)

In: 145,912,488,076
Out: 3,207,691,222,742
Total: 3,353,603,710,818

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 84,097,546,436 2,339,922,088,377 2,424,019,634,813 22,983,364
3128 ndl-aas 48,829,304,863 777,987,383,310 826,816,688,173 1,421,298
80 http www www-http 3,954,431,019 42,049,633,728 46,004,064,747 1,986,057
22 ssh 1,631,360,690 25,737,803,512 27,369,164,202 322
53 domain 2,568,052,473 8,149,278,648 10,717,331,121 2,200,286
993 imaps 690,058,401 3,945,520,561 4,635,578,962 233,235
4242 34,618,769 66,093,295 100,712,064 69
25 smtp 32,781,071 5,394,084 38,175,155 1,147
3000 hbci remoteware-cl 4,648,800 3,484,080 8,132,880 58,110
59903 4,072,650 3,427,824 7,500,474 6,229
587 submission 1,054,987 2,062,879 3,117,866 635
9000 cslistener 1,072,928 804,720 1,877,648 13,412
5572 219,988 1,322,091 1,542,079 46
995 pop3s 318,560 262,168 580,728 845
1688 nsjtp-data 68,400 57,360 125,760 950
110 pop3 60,130 43,778 103,908 169
113 ident auth 47,073 31,473 78,546 165
143 imap 30,917 40,358 71,275 114
667 disclose 8,740 6,660 15,400 111
51697 6,152 5,263 11,415 0
9128 5,760 4,320 10,080 72
21 ftp 5,084 4,680 9,764 78
8095 5,440 4,200 9,640 68
41141 5,735 1,733 7,468 0
19999 dnp-sec 2,592 2,160 4,752 36
465 urd submissions 2,048 1,800 3,848 30
445 microsoft-ds 1,842 1,045 2,887 5
8333 1,400 1,320 2,720 22
12865 netperf 880 660 1,540 11
51002 552 420 972 7

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
51636 140,411,650,372 3,536,350,332 143,948,000,704 0
61636 88,060,454,986 490,888,923 88,551,343,909 0
54256 20,876,402,763 100,012,332 20,976,415,095 0
54170 20,835,726,799 95,988,061 20,931,714,860 0
54169 17,043,135,428 77,993,634 17,121,129,062 0
51223 14,837,735,793 74,285,337 14,912,021,130 0
51578 11,917,894,140 47,495,998 11,965,390,138 0
51949 8,706,293,853 35,354,095 8,741,647,948 0
51358 5,742,000,643 34,850,479 5,776,851,122 0
61614 5,557,682,933 32,404,219 5,590,087,152 0
61613 4,481,429,991 27,718,388 4,509,148,379 0
61615 4,232,680,873 25,502,039 4,258,182,912 0
53574 1,873,244,726 39,363,435 1,912,608,161 0
54032 1,721,435,845 21,459,652 1,742,895,497 0
55972 1,629,133,579 48,949,221 1,678,082,800 0
54031 1,665,935,831 9,641,482 1,675,577,313 0
48960 1,494,590,168 21,756,213 1,516,346,381 0
51105 1,370,536,306 8,203,021 1,378,739,327 0
53406 1,221,107,611 11,935,501 1,233,043,112 0
47516 896,706,289 58,404,336 955,110,625 0
35026 792,905,856 138,361,338 931,267,194 0
49706 673,743,929 51,885,043 725,628,972 0
51229 668,968,316 4,438,278 673,406,594 0
53354 631,756,401 12,529,524 644,285,925 0
53352 620,635,108 11,745,135 632,380,243 0
53573 551,679,380 10,387,556 562,066,936 0
58378 429,969,194 16,206,966 446,176,160 0
50188 422,990,509 23,039,837 446,030,346 0
45576 394,545,710 11,211,008 405,756,718 0
46520 391,535,018 9,716,677 401,251,695 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-25 of 25)
Port Service In Out Total
53 domain 3,437,528,889 9,725,376,220 13,162,905,109
5353 mdns 0 1,517,200 1,517,200
59903 1,460,184 0 1,460,184
500 isakmp 4,992 0 4,992
47625 0 1,344 1,344
54808 0 1,227 1,227
52410 0 1,227 1,227
40900 0 1,179 1,179
60301 0 1,179 1,179
58546 0 1,133 1,133
43973 0 1,110 1,110
60246 0 1,110 1,110
45646 0 1,110 1,110
36304 0 1,110 1,110
6881 980 0 980
46641 0 786 786
38672 0 420 420
45159 0 186 186
47406 0 186 186
37259 0 186 186
39292 0 186 186
42119 0 186 186
44369 0 186 186
49167 0 186 186
44352 0 163 163

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total
36890 0 170,399,328 170,399,328
56407 0 15,000,744 15,000,744
38366 0 513,216 513,216
55950 0 484,044 484,044
1756 capfast-lmd 224,126 70,382 294,508
1377 cichlid 224,572 66,434 291,006
40928 197,453 70,057 267,510
55318 193,683 72,406 266,089
35006 187,030 72,352 259,382
2009 whosockami 196,091 61,723 257,814
35474 179,292 75,510 254,802
38658 0 245,388 245,388
61734 173,008 59,773 232,781
45795 170,119 62,435 232,554
40243 167,816 59,500 227,316
56242 166,272 60,598 226,870
45880 164,704 59,262 223,966
64471 162,603 60,057 222,660
26969 151,463 60,734 212,197
25805 150,677 60,871 211,548
37256 152,490 53,793 206,283
41492 145,743 58,238 203,981
22914 143,574 57,572 201,146
5481 143,480 55,429 198,909
34353 141,433 53,719 195,152
29338 138,842 51,819 190,661
33421 140,010 47,984 187,994
14116 136,087 51,367 187,454
10155 136,288 48,667 184,955
31186 136,422 47,572 183,994

IP protocols

(1-4 of 4)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 141,849,796,048 3,197,874,767,707 3,339,724,563,755
17 udp 3,438,995,045 9,726,907,820 13,165,902,865
58 ipv6-icmp 623,690,195 89,547,215 713,237,410
0 hopopt 6,512 0 6,512