Hostname: luisaranguren
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:b9:1d:b9

Last seen: 2021-02-02 03:17:57 UTC+0000 (1453 days, 13 hrs, 8 mins, 23 secs ago)

In: 284,383,056,563
Out: 96,683,947,994
Total: 381,067,004,557

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49164 4,934,158,890 70,876,359,103 75,810,517,993 224,187
49290 1,336,721,449 13,948,893 1,350,670,342 0
32816 829,707,222 17,434,724 847,141,946 0
50226 781,827,545 22,279,858 804,107,403 0
50414 748,545,255 15,644,860 764,190,115 0
42218 689,697,283 4,160,767 693,858,050 0
44660 318,792,530 5,060,932 323,853,462 0
35666 293,380,192 3,772,526 297,152,718 0
55072 280,612,415 6,450,820 287,063,235 0
33176 241,246,756 4,869,336 246,116,092 0
42228 218,355,940 6,298,755 224,654,695 0
47922 211,352,662 4,799,990 216,152,652 0
42226 197,198,572 5,391,106 202,589,678 0
53906 193,788,159 4,773,213 198,561,372 0
34576 192,282,212 2,890,542 195,172,754 0
48550 186,927,751 5,918,321 192,846,072 0
33178 187,394,093 3,871,975 191,266,068 0
59580 177,291,506 3,210,488 180,501,994 0
48040 164,271,698 1,953,108 166,224,806 0
60482 156,099,593 3,782,380 159,881,973 0
59854 153,255,783 3,406,396 156,662,179 0
43348 152,351,040 3,695,855 156,046,895 0
35718 151,665,761 4,009,418 155,675,179 0
40198 147,932,233 3,886,228 151,818,461 0
34208 148,069,429 3,372,955 151,442,384 0
56002 145,049,151 3,311,089 148,360,240 0
33222 143,640,210 2,096,599 145,736,809 0
55872 141,997,214 3,330,839 145,328,053 0
42618 134,914,269 3,542,948 138,457,217 0
54668 133,191,046 2,881,813 136,072,859 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 13,198,860,527 248,630,849,432 261,829,709,959 719,792
41258 723,079,319 4,645,528,034 5,368,607,353 0
53 domain 1,405,396,792 3,483,647,798 4,889,044,590 2,767,590
80 http www www-http 162,053,075 4,617,269,415 4,779,322,490 47,341
57042 43,712,613 2,290,550,308 2,334,262,921 0
46647 1,979,019,865 11,739,832 1,990,759,697 0
853 domain-s 623,303,909 1,331,170,114 1,954,474,023 305,251
6363 1,510,167,404 46,620,749 1,556,788,153 0
56407 1,399,684,171 61,899,720 1,461,583,891 0
43549 1,427,738,808 28,496,580 1,456,235,388 0
8817 1,188,902,597 42,676,397 1,231,578,994 0
56065 1,066,402,121 20,695,866 1,087,097,987 0
45481 1,028,859,809 27,537,568 1,056,397,377 0
8011 1,015,688,266 25,825,305 1,041,513,571 0
42967 926,044,851 27,805,884 953,850,735 0
46483 923,574,032 16,568,698 940,142,730 0
57013 917,657,993 21,950,072 939,608,065 0
6408 859,987,482 23,771,859 883,759,341 0
61975 805,021,031 31,416,418 836,437,449 0
60634 804,087,939 24,027,492 828,115,431 0
56480 788,827,696 11,974,705 800,802,401 0
57071 746,146,868 32,905,968 779,052,836 0
61910 742,756,407 8,024,851 750,781,258 0
57509 684,818,842 29,595,585 714,414,427 0
13873 676,886,396 17,438,098 694,324,494 0
57608 653,657,335 28,192,032 681,849,367 0
49689 625,984,260 4,385,632 630,369,892 0
57803 553,933,788 11,812,687 565,746,475 0
12656 531,643,511 14,805,460 546,448,971 0
2771 vergencecm 537,364,840 8,227,390 545,592,230 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 40)
Port Service In Out Total
49164 216,643,346 142,714 216,786,060
59903 25,988,823 32,540,438 58,529,261
6881 1,636,106 1,042,272 2,678,378
47132 342,950 143,833 486,783
37995 337,456 146,705 484,161
33894 333,984 141,420 475,404
36727 334,888 139,663 474,551
40638 329,904 141,826 471,730
36933 329,145 141,385 470,530
50535 328,990 139,047 468,037
36100 324,995 140,407 465,402
53259 324,712 137,597 462,309
60880 321,571 138,893 460,464
42968 320,848 139,376 460,224
42588 320,544 139,290 459,834
51260 318,799 140,420 459,219
39149 321,880 137,240 459,120
53505 319,987 137,747 457,734
45766 319,151 136,350 455,501
44258 318,123 135,814 453,937
34568 317,129 134,360 451,489
42378 314,633 135,608 450,241
57002 313,883 135,119 449,002
38781 314,021 133,226 447,247
40829 312,774 133,276 446,050
51092 311,170 133,718 444,888
44142 308,382 133,898 442,280
46493 300,768 132,616 433,384
49227 300,644 131,438 432,082
59609 300,779 130,913 431,692

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total
53 domain 3,854,944,693 8,932,035,279 12,786,979,972
6881 267,904 99,148,619 99,416,523
6969 acmsoda 28,714,130 46,775,830 75,489,960
21055 25,382,053 21,140,733 46,522,786
8999 bctp 371,056 34,066,272 34,437,328
12604 0 19,582,160 19,582,160
48548 0 7,211,944 7,211,944
23319 0 5,840,496 5,840,496
451 sfs-smp-net 2,419,064 1,729,020 4,148,084
123 ntp 2,472,832 1,544,352 4,017,184
36209 2,495,592 1,501,175 3,996,767
52108 0 3,783,888 3,783,888
30616 1,452,581 1,487,829 2,940,410
7788 0 2,046,084 2,046,084
4000 terabase 1,623,504 93,971 1,717,475
59978 112 1,621,436 1,621,548
49138 0 1,520,304 1,520,304
29686 0 1,498,552 1,498,552
8080 http-alt 672 1,255,048 1,255,720
26601 112 1,106,400 1,106,512
21791 0 906,804 906,804
80 http www www-http 446,278 328,712 774,990
44112 134,647 598,740 733,387
59326 0 692,208 692,208
15822 0 622,136 622,136
4089 opencore 0 546,592 546,592
48510 112 388,257 388,369
1200 scol 0 308,256 308,256
50489 171,132 123,642 294,774
51008 159,587 130,454 290,041

IP protocols

(1-5 of 5)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 274,055,493,706 91,298,126,797 365,353,620,503
17 udp 9,226,392,797 3,922,940,750 13,149,333,547
58 ipv6-icmp 1,101,010,532 1,462,879,135 2,563,889,667
44 ipv6-frag 159,528 0 159,528
0 hopopt 0 1,312 1,312