Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 78:92:9c:e8:29:d4

Last seen: 2020-08-27 23:48:26 UTC+0000 (1498 days, 15 hrs, 41 mins, 48 secs ago)

In: 46,795,946,794
Out: 304,331,791
Total: 47,100,278,585

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
52057 12,125,971,901 27,535,356 12,153,507,257 0
53601 11,955,275,454 28,267,458 11,983,542,912 0
55131 10,219,210,010 24,636,449 10,243,846,459 0
51215 6,043,954,798 12,459,501 6,056,414,299 0
51435 657,330 16,640 673,970 0
58942 635,106 17,809 652,915 0
63958 599,691 16,273 615,964 0
57822 585,849 18,384 604,233 0
51498 582,012 15,136 597,148 0
64268 568,674 14,538 583,212 0
59157 561,620 17,387 579,007 0
54091 530,401 16,505 546,906 0
55422 524,429 14,606 539,035 0
61509 518,174 15,528 533,702 0
64876 516,415 14,233 530,648 0
52712 516,335 14,063 530,398 0
59562 508,142 17,183 525,325 0
60706 502,543 15,508 518,051 0
53613 501,142 16,887 518,029 0
50507 497,203 14,053 511,256 0
62896 495,175 14,228 509,403 0
49995 491,305 13,862 505,167 0
50110 489,526 14,413 503,939 0
51260 477,624 14,113 491,737 0
63959 449,173 14,776 463,949 0
49646 417,751 13,807 431,558 0
53611 408,627 15,248 423,875 0
59557 401,495 15,598 417,093 0
57461 404,767 5,008 409,775 0
54519 330,114 5,120 335,234 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 304,256,861 46,794,634,987 47,098,891,848 83,990
993 imaps 50,277 1,291,166 1,341,443 10
80 http www www-http 24,653 20,641 45,294 42

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 46,795,946,794 304,331,791 47,100,278,585