Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 90:f6:52:05:06:67

Last seen: 2020-03-05 00:18:04 UTC+0000 (1787 days, 16 hrs, 52 mins, 32 secs ago)

In: 195,072,338,678
Out: 7,991,777,007
Total: 203,064,115,685

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
51636 135,610,897,548 3,475,193,057 139,086,090,605 0
39292 1,840,842,316 61,272,435 1,902,114,751 0
59138 1,203,227,421 17,180,339 1,220,407,760 0
51456 891,666,701 47,157,786 938,824,487 0
51262 763,564,939 69,113,980 832,678,919 0
48660 539,437,639 27,972,293 567,409,932 0
53352 512,669,096 6,345,982 519,015,078 0
53354 508,486,393 6,464,345 514,950,738 0
53364 219,742,461 2,867,943 222,610,404 0
56538 214,842,934 2,564,701 217,407,635 0
56540 189,907,811 2,290,465 192,198,276 0
39688 159,059,596 3,595,471 162,655,067 0
39054 155,938,479 2,298,019 158,236,498 0
43136 150,761,993 4,009,650 154,771,643 0
49406 124,253,392 3,104,621 127,358,013 0
41452 94,139,854 2,007,895 96,147,749 0
47578 85,196,035 1,923,469 87,119,504 0
47580 83,846,100 1,885,055 85,731,155 0
51652 63,042,366 1,472,874 64,515,240 0
60096 61,182,302 1,749,669 62,931,971 0
47632 59,046,218 1,598,665 60,644,883 0
34864 56,582,378 1,293,657 57,876,035 0
59774 54,181,509 1,250,690 55,432,199 0
58458 53,641,247 1,272,367 54,913,614 0
35238 50,402,982 1,485,199 51,888,181 0
54696 49,723,888 1,519,289 51,243,177 0
50566 39,902,389 930,725 40,833,114 0
43238 37,030,195 2,680,696 39,710,891 0
43368 37,087,786 1,306,353 38,394,139 0
50362 35,179,414 919,777 36,099,191 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 52)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 4,532,223,087 141,111,109,892 145,643,332,979 273,134
3128 ndl-aas 3,359,283,424 53,495,442,965 56,854,726,389 92,421
22 ssh 99,630,039 465,321,119 564,951,158 11
80 http www www-http 10,187 221,962 232,149 3
59903 97,080 86,740 183,820 88
993 imaps 15,216 44,744 59,960 8
587 submission 13,600 36,190 49,790 7
38064 2,372 2,432 4,804 0
38054 2,282 2,271 4,553 0
36566 2,138 2,343 4,481 0
36854 1,368 1,502 2,870 0
36722 1,296 1,442 2,738 0
46988 480 1,984 2,464 0
36732 988 1,096 2,084 0
36712 988 1,096 2,084 0
36834 988 1,084 2,072 0
36844 988 1,084 2,072 0
38074 988 1,024 2,012 0
45590 988 1,024 2,012 0
48888 988 1,024 2,012 0
45588 988 1,024 2,012 0
48884 988 1,024 2,012 0
36586 988 1,024 2,012 0
41962 988 1,024 2,012 0
48886 988 1,024 2,012 0
41972 988 1,024 2,012 0
45592 988 1,024 2,012 0
36576 988 1,024 2,012 0
41982 988 1,024 2,012 0
3000 hbci remoteware-cl 960 720 1,680 12

UDP ports on this host

(1-8 of 8)
Port Service In Out Total
5353 mdns 0 205,604 205,604
36209 16,552 15,630 32,182
60277 0 696 696
35937 0 696 696
45198 0 696 696
40662 0 696 696
44669 0 696 696
45301 0 232 232

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
5353 mdns 205,604 0 205,604
59903 15,630 16,552 32,182
3838 sos 3,712 0 3,712

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 195,072,318,406 7,991,311,809 203,063,630,215
58 ipv6-icmp 3,720 240,252 243,972
17 udp 16,552 224,946 241,498