Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 90:f6:52:05:06:67

Last seen: 2020-07-28 01:18:55 UTC+0000 (1642 days, 13 hrs, 58 mins, 17 secs ago)

In: 73,893,259,844
Out: 345,900,786
Total: 74,239,160,630

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
54170 21,726,729,548 95,991,468 21,822,721,016 0
54256 21,259,294,784 97,495,644 21,356,790,428 0
54169 17,863,829,680 80,832,611 17,944,662,291 0
51105 5,118,519,078 26,147,892 5,144,666,970 0
54031 3,323,211,622 16,585,943 3,339,797,565 0
54032 2,421,533,083 12,850,293 2,434,383,376 0
51107 1,837,421,525 9,713,484 1,847,135,009 0
51106 305,741,623 1,216,224 306,957,847 0
54172 31,090,983 152,592 31,243,575 0
54166 32,609 2,286 34,895 0
53976 17,396 4,843 22,239 0
53978 15,397 1,005 16,402 0
53569 9,948 3,368 13,316 0
51779 5,545 7,584 13,129 0
51789 5,544 7,521 13,065 0
53555 6,544 5,483 12,027 0
53194 4,908 6,478 11,386 0
51673 4,872 6,283 11,155 0
52970 4,877 5,638 10,515 0
53962 4,550 5,640 10,190 0
54205 6,865 2,996 9,861 0
52578 4,848 4,894 9,742 0
53371 3,859 5,638 9,497 0
54409 4,924 4,535 9,459 0
53538 3,858 5,460 9,318 0
51682 4,598 4,474 9,072 0
53971 4,045 4,715 8,760 0
52770 3,168 5,578 8,746 0
52994 4,032 4,656 8,688 0
53386 4,032 4,654 8,686 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 345,866,565 73,893,240,844 74,239,107,409 2,022
80 http www www-http 15,663 12,570 28,233 27
5572 1,792 1,070 2,862 2
42840 1,227 1,132 2,359 0
42852 1,227 1,052 2,279 0
42786 144 440 584 0
59903 240 120 360 0
43672 0 320 320 0
41770 0 160 160 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
50489 1,632 1,904 3,536

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
59903 1,904 1,632 3,536

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 73,893,257,708 345,886,858 74,239,144,566
58 ipv6-icmp 504 12,024 12,528
17 udp 1,632 1,904 3,536