Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 78:92:9c:e8:29:d4
Last seen: 2020-08-23 00:31:09 UTC+0000 (1616 days, 16 hrs, 31 mins, 42 secs ago)
In: 65,099,611,257
Out: 275,189,073
Total: 65,374,800,330
TCP ports on this host
(1-30 of 44)
| Service
| In
| Out
| Total
| SYNs
57585 |
12,288,801,337 |
29,730,850 |
12,318,532,187 |
0 |
59227 |
12,246,860,156 |
29,651,610 |
12,276,511,766 |
0 |
54137 |
12,181,989,182 |
21,958,809 |
12,203,947,991 |
0 |
55937 |
11,038,735,475 |
21,956,002 |
11,060,691,477 |
0 |
52791 |
9,437,256,072 |
16,471,891 |
9,453,727,963 |
0 |
60898 |
4,706,763,257 |
11,793,552 |
4,718,556,809 |
0 |
62187 |
425,968 |
12,616 |
438,584 |
0 |
58685 |
377,867 |
13,221 |
391,088 |
0 |
64268 |
362,915 |
10,142 |
373,057 |
0 |
52659 |
355,889 |
12,052 |
367,941 |
0 |
62142 |
344,644 |
5,188 |
349,832 |
0 |
49252 |
329,986 |
12,265 |
342,251 |
0 |
50917 |
337,133 |
4,700 |
341,833 |
0 |
60748 |
325,227 |
8,020 |
333,247 |
0 |
57415 |
304,625 |
11,217 |
315,842 |
0 |
52661 |
296,420 |
11,521 |
307,941 |
0 |
51520 |
295,344 |
10,813 |
306,157 |
0 |
64678 |
291,287 |
10,815 |
302,102 |
0 |
61748 |
290,856 |
10,641 |
301,497 |
0 |
62666 |
282,089 |
11,721 |
293,810 |
0 |
52660 |
274,971 |
10,938 |
285,909 |
0 |
61709 |
252,888 |
7,300 |
260,188 |
0 |
52455 |
238,217 |
5,248 |
243,465 |
0 |
65007 |
218,857 |
6,214 |
225,071 |
0 |
58820 |
212,486 |
7,305 |
219,791 |
0 |
54353 |
209,618 |
8,509 |
218,127 |
0 |
53447 |
204,954 |
9,441 |
214,395 |
0 |
62141 |
206,311 |
4,160 |
210,471 |
0 |
51553 |
201,123 |
7,302 |
208,425 |
0 |
55444 |
199,506 |
7,120 |
206,626 |
0 |
TCP ports on remote hosts
(1-6 of 6)
| Service
| In
| Out
| Total
| SYNs
443 |
https |
275,151,983 |
65,099,352,247 |
65,374,504,230 |
59,315 |
993 |
imaps |
7,972 |
234,791 |
242,763 |
1 |
80 |
http www www-http |
24,593 |
20,761 |
45,354 |
42 |
49716 |
705 |
1,013 |
1,718 |
0 |
55890 |
705 |
953 |
1,658 |
0 |
59088 |
0 |
320 |
320 |
0 |
UDP ports on this host
(1-2 of 2)
| Service
| In
| Out
| Total
44112 |
884 |
0 |
884 |
50953 |
0 |
163 |
163 |
UDP ports on remote hosts
(1-2 of 2)
| Service
| In
| Out
| Total
59903 |
0 |
884 |
884 |
3838 |
sos |
163 |
0 |
163 |
IP protocols
(1-3 of 3)
| Protocol
| In
| Out
| Total
6 |
tcp |
65,099,610,085 |
275,185,958 |
65,374,796,043 |
58 |
ipv6-icmp |
288 |
2,952 |
3,240 |
17 |
udp |
884 |
163 |
1,047 |