Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 90:f6:52:05:06:67

Last seen: 2020-01-08 09:04:04 UTC+0000 (1809 days, 5 hrs, 21 mins, 32 secs ago)

In: 56,636,082,812
Out: 8,123,110,934
Total: 64,759,193,746

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
33384 3,106,396,320 151,749,859 3,258,146,179 0
57298 966,676,936 277,688,032 1,244,364,968 0
42682 1,068,147,451 38,775,954 1,106,923,405 0
35026 626,967,479 132,812,762 759,780,241 0
55972 629,816,121 15,182,389 644,998,510 0
49706 577,129,232 40,764,874 617,894,106 0
57452 356,674,809 17,661,288 374,336,097 0
50188 320,312,998 17,362,894 337,675,892 0
54056 319,224,165 17,235,245 336,459,410 0
58378 321,392,840 10,546,562 331,939,402 0
34984 303,909,026 7,175,234 311,084,260 0
49090 174,687,781 4,289,503 178,977,284 0
39890 137,745,337 3,193,038 140,938,375 0
45590 122,573,255 4,803,328 127,376,583 0
39664 109,713,576 3,581,819 113,295,395 0
49890 77,864,293 33,675,702 111,539,995 0
41724 92,618,330 1,990,285 94,608,615 0
59264 92,404,585 2,051,211 94,455,796 0
60178 72,545,284 8,423,204 80,968,488 0
42690 77,686,059 2,572,349 80,258,408 0
46254 55,154,655 1,943,574 57,098,229 0
47352 38,683,466 1,246,066 39,929,532 0
35102 33,511,066 817,851 34,328,917 0
53344 28,592,429 5,257,352 33,849,781 0
35864 27,555,631 647,381 28,203,012 0
47626 27,082,068 969,592 28,051,660 0
57202 26,903,344 750,543 27,653,887 0
41596 26,420,149 692,598 27,112,747 0
40972 25,387,164 674,094 26,061,258 0
34774 24,144,946 1,033,647 25,178,593 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 44)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
3128 ndl-aas 5,427,896,619 45,978,487,236 51,406,383,855 143,509
443 https 2,349,530,779 5,418,073,115 7,767,603,894 709,842
22 ssh 329,587,281 5,229,150,777 5,558,738,058 28
80 http www www-http 6,769,609 4,159,938 10,929,547 62,529
3000 hbci remoteware-cl 4,646,160 3,482,100 8,128,260 58,077
4000 terabase 1,106,821 1,677 1,108,498 13,816
59903 504,535 461,511 966,046 472
993 imaps 206,003 606,770 812,773 108
587 submission 227,858 567,517 795,375 114
9000 cslistener 441,360 331,020 772,380 5,517
51002 312,320 0 312,320 3,904
50002 113,360 33,420 146,780 1,417
8095 4,640 3,600 8,240 58
32920 2,616 2,904 5,520 0
60782 2,058 2,208 4,266 0
58716 2,050 2,114 4,164 0
36864 2,043 2,064 4,107 0
59214 1,904 2,120 4,024 0
60078 1,754 1,893 3,647 0
32932 1,476 1,588 3,064 0
40636 1,224 1,690 2,914 0
56384 1,284 1,612 2,896 0
39364 1,224 1,370 2,594 0
47192 988 1,544 2,532 0
39084 1,152 1,370 2,522 0
55532 1,142 1,178 2,320 0
45980 916 1,336 2,252 0
45990 988 1,264 2,252 0
39934 988 1,024 2,012 0
38146 0 400 400 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 54)
Port Service In Out Total
36209 214,316 846,740 1,061,056
5353 mdns 0 430,945 430,945
123 ntp 9,552 9,120 18,672
500 isakmp 1,392 0 1,392
4500 ipsec-nat-t 1,392 0 1,392
161 snmp 1,050 0 1,050
1900 ssdp 848 0 848
55709 0 696 696
60261 0 696 696
41529 0 696 696
41448 0 696 696
51587 0 696 696
45002 0 696 696
36520 0 696 696
35689 0 696 696
56173 0 696 696
60390 0 696 696
47031 0 696 696
42371 0 696 696
59418 0 696 696
52816 0 696 696
52398 0 696 696
35238 0 696 696
36066 0 696 696
54929 0 696 696
46379 0 696 696
36563 0 696 696
43246 0 696 696
547 dhcpv6-server 596 0 596
11211 memcache 515 0 515

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total
4000 terabase 563,380 68 563,448
59903 283,360 214,248 497,608
5353 mdns 430,945 0 430,945
3838 sos 22,272 0 22,272
123 ntp 8,736 8,256 16,992
54202 0 348 348
42831 0 348 348
46828 0 348 348
52850 0 348 348
50600 0 348 348
51818 0 348 348
54576 0 348 348
49142 0 348 348
44062 0 304 304
56490 0 304 304
47502 0 304 304
33437 0 212 212
39252 0 212 212
59694 0 212 212
45158 0 212 212
36930 96 96 192
40642 96 96 192
46497 96 96 192
51147 96 96 192
51406 0 149 149
33854 0 149 149
33435 mtrace 0 149 149
46151 0 149 149
47989 0 108 108
54501 0 108 108

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 56,635,645,393 8,121,566,846 64,757,212,239
17 udp 230,783 1,309,077 1,539,860
58 ipv6-icmp 206,636 235,011 441,647