Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 90:f6:52:05:06:67

Last seen: 2021-11-09 09:11:08 UTC+0000 (1060 days, 6 hrs, 29 mins, 31 secs ago)

In: 812,994,284,064
Out: 27,915,178,095
Total: 840,909,462,159

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 49)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
47292 12,037,863,563 174,739,234 12,212,602,797 0
33160 11,547,536,405 169,290,006 11,716,826,411 0
43858 11,167,710,892 399,703,415 11,567,414,307 0
59980 11,176,980,578 161,656,183 11,338,636,761 0
59912 10,199,928,182 146,665,193 10,346,593,375 0
37664 8,902,908,050 128,304,435 9,031,212,485 0
47418 7,806,848,754 116,800,923 7,923,649,677 0
56180 7,758,128,133 112,951,371 7,871,079,504 0
44566 7,706,912,958 107,403,606 7,814,316,564 0
60198 6,944,767,454 93,177,546 7,037,945,000 0
53612 5,544,934,892 81,505,956 5,626,440,848 0
40728 4,641,271,141 67,096,021 4,708,367,162 0
53038 4,529,517,282 65,439,959 4,594,957,241 0
56816 4,487,517,968 64,467,733 4,551,985,701 0
41168 4,368,424,474 64,438,848 4,432,863,322 0
50796 4,300,603,366 63,019,819 4,363,623,185 0
41286 3,837,069,437 43,898,647 3,880,968,084 0
46960 3,627,077,616 61,033,302 3,688,110,918 0
45438 3,269,461,856 37,545,121 3,307,006,977 0
56282 3,234,375,017 48,780,179 3,283,155,196 0
39524 2,630,619,228 39,251,377 2,669,870,605 0
38168 2,446,546,373 28,195,588 2,474,741,961 0
34680 2,074,744,603 27,590,869 2,102,335,472 0
34056 1,901,519,869 28,355,301 1,929,875,170 0
57538 1,359,352,801 20,278,558 1,379,631,359 0
59738 883,138,462 15,858,025 898,996,487 0
38290 727,119,908 11,878,700 738,998,608 0
54504 371,887,675 6,155,262 378,042,937 0
45054 invision-ag 340,952,672 5,861,246 346,813,918 0
50504 327,298,131 5,597,186 332,895,317 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 36)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 27,426,774,224 801,396,653,797 828,823,428,021 4,796,268
22 ssh 442,810,902 11,332,808,458 11,775,619,360 13
80 http www www-http 17,564,569 243,413,639 260,978,208 5,479
9000 cslistener 24,828,640 18,613,620 43,442,260 310,358
59903 499,800 464,864 964,664 470
993 imaps 147,701 555,220 702,921 78
587 submission 176,754 401,970 578,724 81
46124 2,712 12,612 15,324 0
47004 1,506 4,827 6,333 0
47092 1,050 4,595 5,645 0
37320 1,914 2,334 4,248 0
36532 1,987 2,119 4,106 0
47394 1,987 2,119 4,106 0
36548 1,666 2,371 4,037 0
36534 1,967 1,989 3,956 0
55210 1,966 1,987 3,953 0
37332 1,740 2,017 3,757 0
47304 1,738 2,014 3,752 0
47334 1,676 1,953 3,629 0
36530 1,738 1,871 3,609 0
47170 1,738 1,871 3,609 0
58412 1,720 1,887 3,607 0
36528 1,800 1,751 3,551 0
47390 1,728 1,751 3,479 0
51806 1,656 1,823 3,479 0
55224 1,728 1,751 3,479 0
55228 1,720 1,743 3,463 0
47396 1,718 1,741 3,459 0
36554 844 2,289 3,133 0
36546 1,424 1,678 3,102 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 32)
Port Service In Out Total
36209 536,146 556,340 1,092,486
5353 mdns 0 616,622 616,622
55974 0 767 767
47215 0 767 767
51988 0 767 767
34138 0 767 767
57094 0 658 658
49051 0 650 650
60210 0 650 650
42405 0 650 650
34794 0 650 650
37510 0 650 650
52258 0 650 650
51945 0 650 650
50232 0 650 650
38013 0 650 650
55147 0 650 650
48862 0 650 650
53132 0 650 650
43066 0 650 650
41475 0 650 650
41393 0 650 650
44488 0 650 650
39721 0 650 650
40056 0 650 650
47509 0 650 650
36309 0 650 650
44660 0 232 232
34950 0 232 232
54493 0 232 232

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
59903 556,340 536,146 1,092,486
5353 mdns 616,622 0 616,622
3838 sos 33,716 0 33,716
1900 ssdp 658 0 658

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 812,993,165,654 27,912,971,901 840,906,137,555
17 udp 536,146 1,207,336 1,743,482
58 ipv6-icmp 582,264 998,858 1,581,122