Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 90:f6:52:05:06:67

Last seen: 2021-11-08 13:15:30 UTC+0000 (1061 days, 0 hrs, 48 mins, 46 secs ago)

In: 277,565,469,139
Out: 8,486,921,652
Total: 286,052,390,791

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
51948 10,147,792,753 50,102,890 10,197,895,643 0
60845 7,277,078,335 36,125,691 7,313,204,026 0
60151 7,172,121,620 25,471,683 7,197,593,303 0
50948 6,903,297,466 26,243,740 6,929,541,206 0
62112 5,969,688,409 22,444,587 5,992,132,996 0
56217 2,307,874,534 10,560,160 2,318,434,694 0
51367 1,774,237,233 7,884,118 1,782,121,351 0
50744 1,587,851,081 13,327,427 1,601,178,508 0
65046 600,757,930 2,656,176 603,414,106 0
63250 578,042,886 2,867,696 580,910,582 0
62531 195,109,047 1,340,757 196,449,804 0
52052 177,582,833 1,447,737 179,030,570 0
63809 153,937,261 1,005,705 154,942,966 0
64799 130,148,473 1,380,616 131,529,089 0
61623 125,214,949 928,520 126,143,469 0
51728 95,167,169 721,266 95,888,435 0
64213 84,932,940 633,694 85,566,634 0
63565 68,748,894 413,626 69,162,520 0
49966 64,486,063 817,348 65,303,411 0
65342 54,473,411 867,656 55,341,067 0
59455 52,077,376 878,993 52,956,369 0
53109 39,650,621 496,274 40,146,895 0
53573 39,084,744 727,387 39,812,131 0
63936 35,811,259 369,398 36,180,657 0
56433 23,703,779 508,522 24,212,301 0
54155 21,712,006 466,518 22,178,524 0
64988 20,278,448 344,101 20,622,549 0
63367 19,964,329 549,755 20,514,084 0
58799 18,629,726 710,949 19,340,675 0
63896 18,593,447 473,532 19,066,979 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 7,945,805,142 268,209,060,589 276,154,865,731 2,729,125
3128 ndl-aas 529,835,799 9,335,152,184 9,864,987,983 36,426
9000 cslistener 10,038,096 8,365,020 18,403,116 139,418
80 http www www-http 899,514 12,655,700 13,555,214 1,549
59903 19,814 20,604 40,418 20
59590 2,599 2,277 4,876 0
33922 2,528 2,280 4,808 0
44566 2,241 2,518 4,759 0
56222 2,456 2,277 4,733 0
56202 2,384 2,277 4,661 0
44680 2,241 2,280 4,521 0
56836 2,240 2,278 4,518 0
56832 2,240 2,278 4,518 0
55696 2,240 2,207 4,447 0
44792 2,241 2,206 4,447 0
56592 2,240 2,205 4,445 0
34470 2,307 2,061 4,368 0
36456 2,162 2,135 4,297 0
60850 2,162 2,063 4,225 0
35576 2,235 1,989 4,224 0
58058 2,162 1,989 4,151 0
44682 1,517 1,663 3,180 0
56594 1,517 1,655 3,172 0
58826 1,517 1,583 3,100 0
48122 1,367 1,542 2,909 0
57552 1,367 1,462 2,829 0
57936 1,511 1,310 2,821 0
60904 1,295 1,382 2,677 0
60834 1,439 1,222 2,661 0
45644 1,439 1,222 2,661 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total
51506 76,858 32,003 108,861
5353 mdns 0 7,609 7,609
63153 0 1,304 1,304
54231 0 955 955
56281 0 955 955
52614 0 955 955
56225 0 583 583
64624 0 583 583
63093 0 466 466
56117 0 466 466
50071 0 466 466
59770 0 466 466
60031 0 466 466
53362 0 466 466
62455 0 466 466
59086 0 466 466
51982 0 466 466
59482 0 466 466
57187 0 466 466
64243 0 466 466
62904 0 466 466
49464 0 466 466
52408 0 466 466
58644 0 466 466
57067 0 466 466
62809 0 466 466
51684 0 466 466
54139 0 466 466
51190 0 466 466
56277 0 140 140

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
59903 32,003 76,858 108,861
3838 sos 28,541 0 28,541
5353 mdns 7,609 0 7,609

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 277,565,374,529 8,486,696,307 286,052,070,836
58 ipv6-icmp 17,752 157,192 174,944
17 udp 76,858 68,153 145,011