Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 90:f6:52:05:06:67

Last seen: 2021-10-22 05:45:31 UTC+0000 (1078 days, 8 hrs, 51 mins, 23 secs ago)

In: 131,507,293,858
Out: 8,134,654,913
Total: 139,641,948,771

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
57128 2,026,253,566 31,206,601 2,057,460,167 0
46628 1,150,464,334 19,559,424 1,170,023,758 0
46004 1,058,453,775 18,408,829 1,076,862,604 0
55950 867,513,871 15,091,997 882,605,868 0
40918 824,277,276 13,601,637 837,878,913 0
43812 656,706,119 10,586,165 667,292,284 0
40920 587,872,136 9,976,878 597,849,014 0
43356 487,648,367 5,479,891 493,128,258 0
49372 454,901,455 8,374,705 463,276,160 0
43810 375,323,774 6,181,923 381,505,697 0
37174 354,325,555 6,247,732 360,573,287 0
43366 302,802,819 4,349,970 307,152,789 0
59182 252,432,620 2,213,559 254,646,179 0
42932 173,804,961 3,270,186 177,075,147 0
52556 170,287,778 2,451,100 172,738,878 0
38448 146,017,623 1,833,959 147,851,582 0
58346 111,805,899 2,316,801 114,122,700 0
45332 94,574,964 2,378,442 96,953,406 0
54344 94,166,465 1,152,824 95,319,289 0
37576 88,459,344 1,553,088 90,012,432 0
43170 81,567,708 1,734,783 83,302,491 0
45266 80,560,507 1,653,264 82,213,771 0
38446 70,160,959 1,085,644 71,246,603 0
33762 69,416,060 1,021,322 70,437,382 0
34176 60,620,606 5,734,839 66,355,445 0
58110 64,325,014 1,328,114 65,653,128 0
51830 62,730,489 1,219,011 63,949,500 0
60332 61,889,229 1,403,145 63,292,374 0
37436 54,329,945 1,068,264 55,398,209 0
50694 49,309,310 980,048 50,289,358 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-23 of 23)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 7,588,116,230 114,389,520,594 121,977,636,824 1,780,813
22 ssh 532,073,188 17,045,918,816 17,577,992,004 8
993 imaps 5,749,881 64,126,588 69,876,469 64
9000 cslistener 6,980,880 5,233,500 12,214,380 87,261
80 http www www-http 116,611 1,199,356 1,315,967 40
59903 259,875 227,343 487,218 238
587 submission 115,685 206,459 322,144 54
37400 2,130 2,262 4,392 0
47256 1,986 2,190 4,176 0
50292 1,740 2,089 3,829 0
41682 1,732 2,041 3,773 0
37412 1,936 1,815 3,751 0
50276 1,728 1,967 3,695 0
50302 1,936 1,743 3,679 0
47240 1,748 1,881 3,629 0
53626 1,720 1,741 3,461 0
37218 1,285 1,205 2,490 0
51496 1,013 1,121 2,134 0
37198 1,013 1,121 2,134 0
37196 1,013 1,121 2,134 0
60876 0 240 240 0
60874 0 240 240 0
60872 0 160 160 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-23 of 23)
Port Service In Out Total
36209 184,835 235,389 420,224
5353 mdns 0 272,851 272,851
56376 0 767 767
45875 0 767 767
50095 0 767 767
36200 0 767 767
53668 0 650 650
56714 0 650 650
55453 0 650 650
43979 0 650 650
36101 0 464 464
48389 0 464 464
42589 0 232 232
49709 0 232 232
41977 0 209 209
55692 0 163 163
34651 0 163 163
36347 0 163 163
55269 0 163 163
46433 0 163 163
38660 0 163 163
51294 0 163 163
35220 0 163 163

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
59903 235,389 184,835 420,224
5353 mdns 272,851 0 272,851
3838 sos 8,573 0 8,573

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 131,506,505,807 8,133,470,060 139,639,975,867
58 ipv6-icmp 603,216 668,040 1,271,256
17 udp 184,835 516,813 701,648