MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2024-05-05 16:51:29 UTC+0000 (229 days, 21 hrs, 22 mins, 43 secs ago)

In: 918,783,028
Out: 43,339,186,205
Total: 44,257,969,233

TCP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 916,602,295 43,137,126,624 44,053,728,919 3,649
80 http www www-http 165,382 5,932,087 6,097,469 7

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
50414 723,187,576 14,662,935 737,850,511 0
55084 460,147,136 9,810,334 469,957,470 0
59844 423,076,855 9,947,803 433,024,658 0
57700 341,639,902 5,358,112 346,998,014 0
55072 277,160,960 5,829,465 282,990,425 0
55642 247,006,672 3,678,854 250,685,526 0
45558 224,238,587 2,258,928 226,497,515 0
36984 219,364,927 5,516,548 224,881,475 0
59362 199,809,270 4,422,208 204,231,478 0
54400 190,995,295 7,400,490 198,395,785 0
44978 188,400,113 4,082,132 192,482,245 0
41728 185,182,278 4,299,369 189,481,647 0
55010 185,241,819 2,696,519 187,938,338 0
49646 185,473,322 1,594,028 187,067,350 0
51520 182,142,031 3,919,024 186,061,055 0
33010 175,542,940 4,803,423 180,346,363 0
35774 177,907,885 1,413,504 179,321,389 0
53906 172,537,659 3,652,811 176,190,470 0
34190 168,254,043 3,339,047 171,593,090 0
39088 168,238,607 2,972,443 171,211,050 0
56624 166,666,786 3,559,169 170,225,955 0
59584 165,138,307 3,013,626 168,151,933 0
39234 158,331,639 3,114,318 161,445,957 0
35154 153,686,630 7,042,174 160,728,804 0
58942 156,577,278 3,572,832 160,150,110 0
60736 155,646,695 3,207,231 158,853,926 0
35162 151,566,635 7,040,398 158,607,033 0
48694 154,888,919 3,532,277 158,421,196 0
50054 151,741,300 3,669,686 155,410,986 0
55412 148,883,910 6,336,297 155,220,207 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
443 https 2,015,351 196,127,494 198,142,845

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-16 of 16)
Port Service In Out Total
40555 71,959,085 677,733 72,636,818
44609 57,633,246 464,968 58,098,214
45944 31,082,566 246,811 31,329,377
41668 16,210,302 158,277 16,368,579
37889 14,257,110 197,692 14,454,802
38852 2,035,141 74,223 2,109,364
47821 1,790,697 87,181 1,877,878
39209 758,620 17,400 776,020
40973 334,886 14,403 349,289
46590 14,288 32,133 46,421
44209 23,460 4,510 27,970
49138 8,469 17,038 25,507
37120 8,810 4,783 13,593
40869 3,247 6,891 10,138
47927 4,404 5,692 10,096
37454 3,163 5,616 8,779

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 916,767,677 43,143,058,711 44,059,826,388
17 udp 2,015,351 196,127,494 198,142,845