Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2024-04-23 05:49:09 UTC+0000 (242 days, 8 hrs, 23 mins, 50 secs ago)

In: 1,110,521,761
Out: 57,659,978,051
Total: 58,770,499,812

TCP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 1,107,360,219 57,330,083,249 58,437,443,468 4,325
80 http www www-http 13,302 337,828 351,130 4

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 34)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
34560 4,097,318,273 43,094,986 4,140,413,259 0
51048 753,835,927 12,257,343 766,093,270 0
36842 432,502,472 6,643,457 439,145,929 0
42726 405,901,015 13,527,437 419,428,452 0
39430 390,085,642 6,216,883 396,302,525 0
34448 366,361,925 9,487,064 375,848,989 0
51016 351,899,588 5,479,928 357,379,516 0
35728 347,291,917 3,622,628 350,914,545 0
36864 312,390,672 6,158,513 318,549,185 0
52288 304,950,915 5,470,797 310,421,712 0
50688 292,783,982 4,466,756 297,250,738 0
51542 271,478,424 18,492,723 289,971,147 0
35710 267,015,584 4,212,504 271,228,088 0
35386 256,270,249 2,785,605 259,055,854 0
54856 242,591,692 4,012,324 246,604,016 0
51066 231,894,191 4,448,503 236,342,694 0
33176 217,327,969 4,232,821 221,560,790 0
47528 208,922,041 3,431,088 212,353,129 0
46316 206,859,050 4,992,739 211,851,789 0
51548 197,902,938 13,389,193 211,292,131 0
52910 205,979,041 3,158,976 209,138,017 0
57458 204,829,682 3,463,293 208,292,975 0
47126 202,669,482 2,271,547 204,941,029 0
53914 199,754,595 4,434,035 204,188,630 0
35778 193,939,219 2,245,428 196,184,647 0
46582 190,446,280 2,857,899 193,304,179 0
40956 187,479,239 4,047,337 191,526,576 0
33178 183,725,309 3,565,808 187,291,117 0
34124 181,741,529 3,724,228 185,465,757 0
50868 178,612,182 2,845,597 181,457,779 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
443 https 3,148,240 329,556,974 332,705,214

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-17 of 17)
Port Service In Out Total
46551 94,274,903 936,476 95,211,379
37785 54,141,445 589,349 54,730,794
49732 42,027,688 390,523 42,418,211
47449 30,825,068 230,490 31,055,558
37589 21,234,313 140,839 21,375,152
49693 20,890,224 160,549 21,050,773
37905 18,596,199 170,846 18,767,045
48189 13,101,451 96,836 13,198,287
39165 12,572,953 152,637 12,725,590
48193 10,005,648 71,392 10,077,040
37717 4,486,831 38,943 4,525,774
42021 3,240,756 48,340 3,289,096
38508 2,872,994 24,809 2,897,803
37343 859,261 45,377 904,638
43518 415,383 38,519 453,902
49676 6,515 6,583 13,098
47703 5,342 5,732 11,074

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,107,373,521 57,330,421,077 58,437,794,598
17 udp 3,148,240 329,556,974 332,705,214