Hostname: luisaranguren
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:b9:1d:b9

Last seen: 2019-08-12 10:24:08 UTC+0000 (1993 days, 5 hrs, 29 mins, 56 secs ago)

In: 14,082,191,355
Out: 84,917,031,223
Total: 98,999,222,578

TCP ports on this host

(1-28 of 28)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 5,529,315,893 47,617,390,327 53,146,706,220 143
3128 ndl-aas 3,133,143,140 30,199,893,472 33,333,036,612 311,958
443 https 4,677,114,696 4,919,044,787 9,596,159,483 1,421,521
993 imaps 126,112,054 1,142,526,403 1,268,638,457 29,055
80 http www www-http 359,569,390 616,211,357 975,780,747 23,132
59903 2,526,941 2,131,569 4,658,510 2,571
587 submission 253,153 872,348 1,125,501 222
25 smtp 312,801 162,691 475,492 167
53 domain 119,840 248,948 368,788 245
853 domain-s 156,880 117,480 274,360 1,961
995 pop3s 38,992 117,614 156,606 42
110 pop3 28,376 51,581 79,957 56
143 imap 19,594 42,068 61,662 29
9050 versiera 24,320 18,240 42,560 304
8333 16,440 12,420 28,860 207
18333 11,120 8,340 19,460 139
1688 nsjtp-data 7,488 6,240 13,728 104
43125 6,051 3,224 9,275 0
47723 5,989 3,231 9,220 0
113 ident auth 4,774 1,304 6,078 17
667 disclose 3,120 2,340 5,460 39
21 ftp 1,240 1,080 2,320 18
465 urd submissions 616 600 1,216 10
4242 640 480 1,120 8
8334 300 300 600 5
42799 0 400 400 0
59217 0 400 400 0
59627 0 400 400 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 60)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
38880 27,404,954,696 4,114,636,127 31,519,590,823 0
37122 4,510,330,542 247,343,375 4,757,673,917 0
56700 2,621,073,606 78,902,224 2,699,975,830 0
53408 2,133,025,994 115,308,442 2,248,334,436 0
60310 754,543,262 32,198,880 786,742,142 0
36478 532,004,049 40,158,835 572,162,884 0
49508 486,350,511 55,096,387 541,446,898 0
34410 407,151,736 29,414,853 436,566,589 0
44568 398,198,475 7,854,903 406,053,378 0
39246 244,559,531 5,140,489 249,700,020 0
39196 194,490,310 7,700,643 202,190,953 0
58010 166,556,085 21,417,234 187,973,319 0
45602 706,797 143,833,621 144,540,418 0
55360 119,609,284 1,882,897 121,492,181 0
55458 106,248,443 1,586,421 107,834,864 0
55912 95,060,484 5,204,824 100,265,308 0
43618 491,004 90,932,514 91,423,518 0
36142 78,664,000 8,365,958 87,029,958 0
54214 78,932,500 1,740,965 80,673,465 0
59444 74,303,009 2,237,528 76,540,537 0
59804 1,542,581 63,847,036 65,389,617 0
55216 52,898,125 890,421 53,788,546 0
55096 50,688,927 879,112 51,568,039 0
58570 46,719,268 1,381,781 48,101,049 0
53209 47,236,683 215,797 47,452,480 0
58374 45,191,593 1,371,393 46,562,986 0
44468 44,402,002 1,315,187 45,717,189 0
55682 41,573,940 1,192,539 42,766,479 0
43462 40,097,386 1,151,349 41,248,735 0
43668 38,846,035 1,229,234 40,075,269 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total
53 domain 233,013,035 402,853,550 635,866,585
5353 mdns 0 735,977 735,977
59903 468,720 0 468,720
54418 0 1,737 1,737
59079 0 1,179 1,179
48957 0 1,179 1,179
59900 0 1,179 1,179
34021 0 1,179 1,179
6881 760 0 760

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 34)
Port Service In Out Total
5353 mdns 547,613 0 547,613
36208 4,669 459,815 464,484
40015 18,892 11,383 30,275
39217 18,548 11,547 30,095
42032 18,810 11,202 30,012
41594 17,874 10,950 28,824
44287 17,325 10,300 27,625
39074 17,105 9,739 26,844
41979 16,931 9,510 26,441
41817 16,281 9,635 25,916
39330 15,938 9,469 25,407
40562 15,808 9,364 25,172
43874 15,896 9,214 25,110
45579 15,264 8,975 24,239
48054 14,757 8,900 23,657
41254 14,636 8,544 23,180
45682 13,839 7,890 21,729
54960 11,375 6,349 17,724
57542 10,665 6,464 17,129
54771 10,502 5,811 16,313
56013 9,327 5,119 14,446
59872 9,324 5,059 14,383
33617 9,064 5,000 14,064
34412 8,611 5,262 13,873
35779 8,864 4,932 13,796
60560 8,134 5,427 13,561
36406 7,997 4,781 12,778
60424 10,298 2,188 12,486
58164 7,849 4,489 12,338
13568 1,518 10,377 11,895

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 13,828,793,848 84,498,869,644 98,327,663,492
17 udp 233,482,515 403,595,980 637,078,495
58 ipv6-icmp 19,914,992 14,565,599 34,480,591