Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2018-10-30 07:50:34 UTC+0000 (2260 days, 12 hrs, 35 mins, 21 secs ago)

In: 100,424,411
Out: 5,275,887,616
Total: 5,376,312,027

TCP ports on this host

The table is empty.

TCP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total
1401 goldleaf-licman 459 3,267,407,333 3,267,407,792
65436 0 1,107,381,570 1,107,381,570
51171 1,384 828,892,775 828,894,159
7567 765 9,080,603 9,081,368
21755 2,148 1,289 3,437
54116 2,155 1,251 3,406
27911 1,933 1,122 3,055
35136 1,758 1,151 2,909
9180 1,684 1,006 2,690
60184 1,709 970 2,679
32119 1,623 904 2,527
25637 1,474 989 2,463
50912 1,460 966 2,426
5095 1,530 894 2,424
6115 1,397 833 2,230
52638 1,503 709 2,212
5402 mftp 1,236 756 1,992
25217 1,233 739 1,972
54850 1,224 704 1,928
38446 1,224 676 1,900
35892 1,167 688 1,855
15046 1,071 637 1,708
45272 1,001 599 1,600
8678 1,001 557 1,558
49949 931 547 1,478
53399 931 519 1,450
53678 918 528 1,446
15630 918 486 1,404
31373 848 504 1,352
5614 839 485 1,324

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
1900 ssdp 5,212,760,772 0 5,212,760,772
53 domain 41,058,996 70,919,954 111,978,950

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 70,919,954 5,253,819,768 5,324,739,722
58 ipv6-icmp 29,504,457 22,067,848 51,572,305