Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 14:da:e9:1d:55:39

Last seen: 2018-10-30 07:50:50 UTC+0000 (2279 days, 8 hrs, 47 mins, 15 secs ago)

In: 78,633,718,466
Out: 13,354,341,612
Total: 91,988,060,078

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 33)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
38880 27,404,934,614 4,114,628,404 31,519,563,018 0
37122 4,537,668,014 249,503,871 4,787,171,885 0
53408 3,916,350,663 279,326,687 4,195,677,350 0
56700 2,623,147,227 78,951,649 2,702,098,876 0
60310 754,666,211 32,203,692 786,869,903 0
36478 531,999,163 40,158,472 572,157,635 0
49508 472,069,184 54,458,106 526,527,290 0
34410 407,151,736 29,414,853 436,566,589 0
44568 400,416,389 7,888,988 408,305,377 0
39864 245,429,707 30,159,534 275,589,241 0
39246 244,548,115 5,136,972 249,685,087 0
58010 191,472,725 24,570,462 216,043,187 0
39196 194,412,262 7,607,843 202,020,105 0
45570 138,528,380 15,641,603 154,169,983 0
45602 642,673 134,624,060 135,266,733 0
55360 129,931,465 2,015,098 131,946,563 0
49134 103,041,950 18,951,462 121,993,412 0
41630 104,484,086 14,342,759 118,826,845 0
55458 114,430,193 1,674,801 116,104,994 0
36142 99,968,827 10,493,342 110,462,169 0
55912 103,957,738 5,647,642 109,605,380 0
59444 98,487,882 2,823,910 101,311,792 0
43618 474,285 90,926,079 91,400,364 0
59804 1,893,446 83,127,181 85,020,627 0
54214 78,924,294 1,736,064 80,660,358 0
48238 56,419,650 6,150,785 62,570,435 0
58570 57,054,866 1,623,167 58,678,033 0
58374 50,282,912 1,460,465 51,743,377 0
44468 45,854,051 1,336,340 47,190,391 0
38864 41,552,647 1,384,122 42,936,769 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 35)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 5,494,619,616 47,424,068,465 52,918,688,081 36
3128 ndl-aas 3,056,550,452 27,434,914,032 30,491,464,484 301,250
443 https 4,529,883,820 3,243,256,060 7,773,139,880 1,400,576
80 http www www-http 77,173,551 157,517,702 234,691,253 3,059
993 imaps 20,847,582 129,551,361 150,398,943 117
59903 9,417,443 7,853,815 17,271,258 9,857
587 submission 136,824 460,599 597,423 93
9050 versiera 23,760 17,820 41,580 297
53 domain 6,110 26,139 32,249 11
43538 3,610 4,306 7,916 0
48676 3,074 3,620 6,694 0
59774 2,838 3,500 6,338 0
40138 2,912 3,356 6,268 0
40104 2,982 3,282 6,264 0
52600 2,292 2,630 4,922 0
35168 2,364 2,486 4,850 0
54506 2,150 2,490 4,640 0
50336 2,068 2,550 4,618 0
55564 1,996 2,550 4,546 0
35654 2,000 2,479 4,479 0
33928 2,072 2,407 4,479 0
37096 2,140 2,337 4,477 0
57002 2,068 2,406 4,474 0
44598 2,139 2,333 4,472 0
54630 2,154 2,283 4,437 0
36682 2,078 2,349 4,427 0
54464 844 1,022 1,866 0
54428 844 1,022 1,866 0
54500 844 1,022 1,866 0
57982 844 950 1,794 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total
36208 2,549,280 4,284,244 6,833,524
37130 11,337 8,032 19,369
60560 10,931 7,242 18,173
57215 11,270 6,725 17,995
55396 11,046 6,789 17,835
38900 11,015 6,674 17,689
57542 10,725 6,876 17,601
60424 12,379 5,188 17,567
58253 12,011 5,274 17,285
47743 10,671 6,093 16,764
42032 9,814 6,376 16,190
35779 9,851 6,302 16,153
54771 10,013 6,123 16,136
54960 9,731 6,057 15,788
39217 9,261 6,308 15,569
54449 9,392 6,101 15,493
34412 9,074 5,908 14,982
37631 8,787 6,184 14,971
58164 8,158 6,413 14,571
39074 8,532 6,021 14,553
56277 8,392 6,030 14,422
44287 8,381 5,474 13,855
50192 8,374 5,162 13,536
50662 7,074 6,079 13,153
51599 8,422 4,610 13,032
41527 7,950 4,829 12,779
42642 7,771 5,007 12,778
56013 7,662 5,107 12,769
45682 5,521 4,337 9,858
59176 5,548 3,293 8,841

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
53 domain 149,910,745 228,619,277 378,530,022
59903 4,281,493 2,545,235 6,826,728
3838 sos 1,258,368 0 1,258,368
5353 mdns 165,969 0 165,969

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 78,402,299,183 13,192,453,379 91,594,752,562
17 udp 231,164,512 155,616,575 386,781,087
58 ipv6-icmp 254,771 6,271,658 6,526,429