Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2023-04-26 02:29:43 UTC+0000 (605 days, 16 hrs, 4 mins, 20 secs ago)

In: 2,723,571,220
Out: 70,415,210
Total: 2,793,986,430

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 39)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
53165 2,596,822,284 66,935,433 2,663,757,717 0
53029 86,372,136 2,329,114 88,701,250 0
49314 35,841,976 669,380 36,511,356 0
52530 3,850,642 124,073 3,974,715 0
52314 3,769 1,216 4,985 0
55646 3,658 924 4,582 0
46932 2,472 902 3,374 0
39600 2,435 917 3,352 0
46832 2,453 883 3,336 0
43532 2,438 868 3,306 0
34728 2,463 841 3,304 0
53920 2,436 866 3,302 0
53395 1,841 1,456 3,297 0
64372 1,274 1,815 3,089 0
64431 1,897 903 2,800 0
54203 1,884 836 2,720 0
51401 1,885 761 2,646 0
49301 1,885 701 2,586 0
8867 1,884 701 2,585 0
55047 1,937 634 2,571 0
59182 1,885 642 2,527 0
50593 1,833 634 2,467 0
51247 1,885 582 2,467 0
61117 1,884 582 2,466 0
61956 1,885 574 2,459 0
50457 1,885 574 2,459 0
60213 1,885 567 2,452 0
53797 1,885 567 2,452 0
65532 1,885 567 2,452 0
64601 1,885 567 2,452 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-10 of 10)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49164 70,264,777 2,723,023,044 2,793,287,821 350
80 http www www-http 126,938 496,368 623,306 326
49782 0 360 360 0
46898 0 360 360 0
60472 0 360 360 0
57658 0 360 360 0
42172 0 360 360 0
60688 0 300 300 0
47056 0 180 180 0
50134 0 60 60 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-18 of 18)
Port Service In Out Total
12009 ghvpn 24,505 10,267 34,772
5065 ca-2 7,704 6,711 14,415
15115 4,852 2,260 7,112
49522 1,920 858 2,778
59808 644 272 916
25174 618 252 870
11963 618 252 870
8021 intu-ec-client 618 252 870
46076 0 515 515
8999 bctp 0 492 492
36677 305 131 436
8402 abarsd 309 126 435
26871 309 126 435
23678 309 126 435
26281 309 126 435
35189 0 396 396
51413 86 202 288
21945 0 131 131

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
6881 18,449 43,106 61,555
49164 5,046 0 5,046

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 2,723,521,752 70,391,715 2,793,913,467
17 udp 43,106 23,495 66,601
1 icmp 6,362 0 6,362