Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:0c:29:66:74:6a

Last seen: 2021-09-03 09:49:35 UTC+0000 (1205 days, 8 hrs, 40 mins, 8 secs ago)

In: 150,824,787
Out: 114,758,228
Total: 265,583,015

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 39)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
10666 8,880,180 149,060 9,029,240 0
7553 164,734 8,484,337 8,649,071 0
7438 8,365,952 167,413 8,533,365 0
10670 8,346,567 150,191 8,496,758 0
7554 152,292 7,908,174 8,060,466 0
10668 7,880,836 139,604 8,020,440 0
9741 7,692,823 127,837 7,820,660 0
10786 148,067 7,615,437 7,763,504 0
10444 7,257,656 128,996 7,386,652 0
9885 141,541 7,033,612 7,175,153 0
7446 7,020,696 125,873 7,146,569 0
7561 128,312 7,015,265 7,143,577 0
9748 6,961,383 137,637 7,099,020 0
10672 6,678,454 120,921 6,799,375 0
9743 6,494,106 113,869 6,607,975 0
9746 5,498,523 100,703 5,599,226 0
7450 5,490,436 100,774 5,591,210 0
9750 board-voip 5,128,906 94,753 5,223,659 0
8897 5,019,047 113,416 5,132,463 0
7439 4,926,148 90,965 5,017,113 0
7442 4,820,700 92,120 4,912,820 0
9240 4,431,607 82,662 4,514,269 0
10819 109,647 4,339,423 4,449,070 0
10904 104,943 4,334,671 4,439,614 0
7588 sun-lm 101,054 4,329,911 4,430,965 0
9875 sapv1 86,220 4,335,045 4,421,265 0
10820 81,972 4,338,859 4,420,831 0
10806 82,849 4,337,352 4,420,201 0
9876 sd 83,184 4,332,565 4,415,749 0
7562 85,462 4,329,954 4,415,416 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 75,496,257 115,417,708 190,913,965 298
80 http www www-http 38,407,451 31,465,033 69,872,484 19
993 imaps 810,182 3,888,065 4,698,247 381
22 ssh 40,273 49,313 89,586 6
49164 2,289 2,736 5,025 3

UDP ports on this host

(1-6 of 6)
Port Service In Out Total
32978 322 136 458
32935 322 136 458
20508 322 136 458
29430 322 136 458
38662 322 136 458
22043 322 136 458

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
6881 816 1,932 2,748

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 150,822,855 114,756,452 265,579,307
17 udp 1,932 816 2,748
1 icmp 0 960 960