MAC Address: a4:a9:30:78:02:91

Last seen: 2024-06-25 18:00:40 UTC+0000 (213 days, 21 hrs, 28 mins, 12 secs ago)

In: 38,222,481,797
Out: 2,383,699,578,622
Total: 2,421,922,060,419

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
8095 34,208,066,676 2,345,467,680,810 2,379,675,747,486 852,011
22 ssh 833,898,298 25,274,877,122 26,108,775,420 112,257
4949 munin 1,676,572,201 7,667,295,664 9,343,867,865 80,590
48100 455,285,596 15,877,406 471,163,002 0
44758 344,267,937 10,998,588 355,266,525 0
8123 608,892 55,911,429 56,520,321 5
43118 36,518 487,068 523,586 0
34900 35,172 474,506 509,678 0
35400 34,102 458,374 492,476 0
44234 32,882 456,984 489,866 0
43894 35,248 453,780 489,028 0
36012 24,920 457,072 481,992 0
34656 33,012 426,348 459,360 0
35174 34,744 411,826 446,570 0
43360 23,320 417,268 440,588 0
43410 15,894 414,508 430,402 0
58866 11,927 314,808 326,735 0
42878 25,416 264,952 290,368 0
50544 12,255 277,607 289,862 0
50528 11,632 269,266 280,898 0
35676 31,862 245,896 277,758 0
45972 9,415 254,942 264,357 0
58772 9,394 252,814 262,208 0
50648 9,758 252,297 262,055 0
50590 4,386 256,751 261,137 0
58828 10,821 247,440 258,261 0
54814 9,697 246,071 255,768 0
43622 30,502 221,772 252,274 0
46596 10,114 241,921 252,035 0
46486 9,752 240,179 249,931 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
53948 135,244,223,437 1,530,881,033 136,775,104,470 0
42082 111,336,279,725 342,167,914 111,678,447,639 0
35322 34,331,449,569 93,955,372 34,425,404,941 0
51100 25,026,670,691 788,743,437 25,815,414,128 0
33470 21,908,995,473 67,589,635 21,976,585,108 0
33540 20,775,233,983 64,322,014 20,839,555,997 0
33468 18,044,736,904 57,225,140 18,101,962,044 0
36146 16,779,262,432 54,108,777 16,833,371,209 0
36128 12,783,404,622 30,821,899 12,814,226,521 0
50512 12,555,703,491 41,121,034 12,596,824,525 0
56944 9,358,318,672 22,995,355 9,381,314,027 0
50576 9,287,118,827 30,391,968 9,317,510,795 0
58348 8,513,878,621 29,623,142 8,543,501,763 0
38836 8,177,267,454 33,624,679 8,210,892,133 0
58350 6,997,263,217 25,108,871 7,022,372,088 0
58346 6,622,824,970 24,089,614 6,646,914,584 0
60684 6,037,911,597 24,026,770 6,061,938,367 0
58144 6,011,982,976 20,051,033 6,032,034,009 0
36150 3,601,851,848 12,453,799 3,614,305,647 0
58226 3,424,017,093 12,275,201 3,436,292,294 0
36148 3,106,749,086 11,604,062 3,118,353,148 0
56616 2,772,804,377 10,586,177 2,783,390,554 0
58444 2,595,801,157 10,665,759 2,606,466,916 0
59506 2,471,165,316 12,296,553 2,483,461,869 0
54200 1,907,438,223 7,233,650 1,914,671,873 0
49634 1,686,138,679 7,621,252 1,693,759,931 0
38302 1,461,581,524 6,980,328 1,468,561,852 0
41584 1,430,166,013 4,043,572 1,434,209,585 0
38248 1,230,430,261 7,256,994 1,237,687,255 0
35858 1,155,123,688 5,474,394 1,160,598,082 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total
161 snmp 484,261,793 3,237,421,138 3,721,682,931
258 0 763,100,049 763,100,049
281 personal-link 0 400,034,130 400,034,130
513 who 0 131,462,990 131,462,990
1537 sdsc-lm 0 35,050,119 35,050,119
5353 mdns 0 21,659,523 21,659,523
68 bootpc 10,107,648 10,742,389 20,850,037
23 telnet 6,489,936 0 6,489,936
52238 62,492 15,311 77,803
36320 36,456 18,825 55,281
40609 33,799 19,327 53,126
38589 34,539 17,319 51,858
51306 36,456 15,060 51,516
59339 36,456 14,558 51,014
58605 36,456 14,558 51,014
54908 36,456 13,805 50,261
39352 26,036 19,327 45,363
43608 26,036 19,327 45,363
57547 26,036 19,076 45,112
35159 26,036 18,825 44,861
38500 26,036 18,574 44,610
36315 26,036 18,330 44,366
33394 26,036 17,570 43,606
55894 25,492 18,072 43,564
56836 26,036 17,068 43,104
35896 25,508 15,813 41,321
47283 24,564 16,566 41,130
45343 25,028 16,064 41,092
35821 24,105 15,311 39,416
769 vid 0 28,944 28,944

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total
281 personal-link 733,621,492 0 733,621,492
1900 ssdp 474,205,713 96,358,293 570,564,006
776 wpages 400,034,130 0 400,034,130
6403 131,462,990 0 131,462,990
5353 mdns 21,658,406 0 21,658,406
67 bootps 10,742,389 10,107,648 20,850,037
34967 421,460 307,617 729,077
52647 418,846 305,366 724,212
48415 409,411 310,709 720,120
43860 382,716 301,893 684,609
40928 352,219 260,745 612,964
37731 150,858 62,214 213,072
42665 143,521 15,711 159,232
49812 125,648 21,461 147,109
58377 125,928 20,214 146,142
51498 126,852 16,239 143,091
37204 123,435 19,628 143,063
58958 124,208 16,487 140,695
44597 118,704 20,188 138,892
35547 121,454 16,435 137,889
33281 117,948 18,090 136,038
57500 117,554 16,851 134,405
45070 111,424 18,706 130,130
33661 114,204 15,383 129,587
43895 107,101 18,857 125,958
58534 108,018 16,949 124,967
38959 106,913 16,137 123,050
46717 99,572 16,998 116,570
123 ntp 39,444 33,896 73,340
1537 sdsc-lm 48,456 0 48,456

IP protocols

(1-5 of 5)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 37,520,051,489 2,378,507,271,204 2,416,027,322,693
17 udp 597,295,854 5,075,404,415 5,672,700,269
1 icmp 105,134,454 115,296,527 220,430,981
2 igmp 0 1,604,440 1,604,440
0 hopopt 0 1,500 1,500