MAC Address: a4:a9:30:78:02:91

Last seen: 2022-12-06 02:43:55 UTC+0000 (781 days, 13 hrs, 2 mins, 7 secs ago)

In: 41,108,259,543
Out: 2,778,810,163,820
Total: 2,819,918,423,363

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 49)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http www www-http 39,919,389,886 2,772,812,254,840 2,812,731,644,726 20,386,524
4949 munin 1,087,185,185 5,824,900,128 6,912,085,313 52,815
22 ssh 13,954,052 55,625,266 69,579,318 41,658
9000 cslistener 56,035 79,106 135,141 40
2035 imsldoc 44 40 84 1
1075 rdrmshc 44 40 84 1
6666 44 40 84 1
481 ph 44 40 84 1
5432 postgresql 44 40 84 1
898 44 40 84 1
7920 44 40 84 1
2160 apc-2160 44 40 84 1
4446 n1-fwp 44 40 84 1
18101 44 40 84 1
64680 44 40 84 1
406 imsp 44 40 84 1
5357 wsdapi 44 40 84 1
5060 sip 44 40 84 1
900 omginitialrefs 44 40 84 1
32772 filenet-pa 44 40 84 1
6025 44 40 84 1
8009 nvme-disc 44 40 84 1
7200 fodms 44 40 84 1
2382 ms-olap3 44 40 84 1
2725 msolap-ptp2 44 40 84 1
2021 servexec 44 40 84 1
8083 us-srv 44 40 84 1
2602 discp-server 44 40 84 1
3001 origo-native 44 40 84 1
1081 pvuniwien 44 40 84 1

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
47008 13,203,690,707 19,175,740 13,222,866,447 0
40418 11,837,372,470 27,867,955 11,865,240,425 0
60922 11,642,616,408 22,512,747 11,665,129,155 0
37226 10,421,861,317 17,871,308 10,439,732,625 0
57264 9,204,433,391 22,077,170 9,226,510,561 0
48826 9,013,751,836 14,124,092 9,027,875,928 0
55084 8,504,087,682 19,561,103 8,523,648,785 0
47928 7,790,004,397 12,748,665 7,802,753,062 0
37408 7,454,731,876 18,930,531 7,473,662,407 0
50754 7,364,366,760 15,162,634 7,379,529,394 0
42874 5,987,029,700 12,914,983 5,999,944,683 0
53028 5,782,152,832 19,523,181 5,801,676,013 0
55508 4,981,320,528 9,023,854 4,990,344,382 0
47556 4,842,263,900 16,837,864 4,859,101,764 0
57740 4,806,345,419 13,536,057 4,819,881,476 0
49826 4,478,785,495 12,050,822 4,490,836,317 0
39368 4,371,525,688 12,039,647 4,383,565,335 0
34830 4,368,354,773 7,930,828 4,376,285,601 0
34696 4,329,750,745 10,978,817 4,340,729,562 0
49140 3,722,287,762 10,833,193 3,733,120,955 0
39698 3,713,058,311 7,097,640 3,720,155,951 0
44612 3,547,221,154 9,766,529 3,556,987,683 0
57456 2,843,890,793 5,837,931 2,849,728,724 0
49988 2,553,706,108 5,747,168 2,559,453,276 0
55484 2,143,735,158 5,240,660 2,148,975,818 0
41486 2,083,374,178 6,524,745 2,089,898,923 0
47602 2,040,129,598 4,664,746 2,044,794,344 0
37522 1,703,106,736 5,746,568 1,708,853,304 0
34340 950,277,026 4,403,222 954,680,248 0
34878 944,044,687 5,052,463 949,097,150 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total
161 snmp 33,944,804 63,583,948 97,528,752
68 bootpc 2,598,416 2,378,045 4,976,461
23 telnet 422,579 0 422,579
3702 ws-discovery 0 1,603 1,603
5355 llmnr 0 159 159

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 35)
Port Service In Out Total
67 bootps 2,378,045 2,598,416 4,976,461
52154 742,852 685,818 1,428,670
32999 290,772 279,272 570,044
58661 4,112 2,320 6,432
59398 4,135 2,222 6,357
51821 3,552 2,422 5,974
33375 3,376 1,872 5,248
34422 3,098 1,922 5,020
58431 3,321 1,674 4,995
58481 3,318 1,674 4,992
41052 2,892 2,029 4,921
35010 2,722 1,950 4,672
46667 2,662 1,855 4,517
47851 2,442 2,057 4,499
47814 2,771 1,677 4,448
50770 2,673 1,768 4,441
52851 2,674 1,727 4,401
57080 2,797 1,528 4,325
54858 2,726 1,505 4,231
48299 2,728 1,454 4,182
42054 2,512 1,604 4,116
60341 2,448 1,607 4,055
56749 2,473 1,381 3,854
48057 2,359 1,456 3,815
43247 2,280 1,382 3,662
41678 2,175 1,457 3,632
46378 2,068 1,531 3,599
43679 2,127 1,234 3,361
57105 1,940 1,235 3,175
52364 1,875 1,161 3,036

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 41,020,629,070 2,778,692,899,260 2,819,713,528,330
17 udp 36,965,799 65,963,755 102,929,554
1 icmp 50,664,674 51,300,805 101,965,479