Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: 00:50:56:82:b4:3f

Last seen: 2025-01-25 16:05:03 UTC+0000 (0 secs ago)

In: 646,181,445,198
Out: 18,970,192,260,727
Total: 19,616,373,705,925

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 60)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
2049 shilp nfs 628,382,482,443 18,813,049,614,525 19,441,432,096,968 22,835
55555 6,170,151,916 128,537,360,699 134,707,512,615 119
4949 munin 3,117,439,400 14,970,835,144 18,088,274,544 301,815
35526 221,269,657 2,717,445,488 2,938,715,145 0
34876 729,559,461 128,854,297 858,413,758 0
53618 670,887,087 119,032,191 789,919,278 0
22 ssh 123,540,767 532,308,650 655,849,417 368,543
48624 509,901,091 91,289,330 601,190,421 0
44368 458,090,930 82,100,282 540,191,212 0
39236 367,874,058 65,004,526 432,878,584 0
34448 375,952,654 11,194,008 387,146,662 0
57850 264,267,749 48,216,762 312,484,511 0
50706 112,085,382 103,954,842 216,040,224 0
54610 9,978,583 203,901,007 213,879,590 0
36862 100,190,993 92,928,462 193,119,455 0
54838 149,161,968 36,074,174 185,236,142 0
46364 120,560,292 50,862,821 171,423,113 0
53278 103,278,598 63,719,696 166,998,294 0
33994 135,545,392 23,949,967 159,495,359 0
57218 91,903,559 16,234,954 108,138,513 0
47350 45,470,356 43,832,963 89,303,319 0
50942 36,639,157 33,153,101 69,792,258 0
32778 29,285,172 26,695,755 55,980,927 1
38162 25,614,440 23,181,184 48,795,624 0
55614 25,774,070 23,011,485 48,785,555 0
35614 25,519,030 22,415,978 47,935,008 0
45442 31,024,389 15,683,876 46,708,265 0
57782 22,726,534 21,418,698 44,145,232 0
57976 22,831,280 21,196,375 44,027,655 0
53220 23,159,611 20,469,640 43,629,251 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
981 4,556,343,957,226 47,700,138,692 4,604,044,095,918 0
708 3,546,970,068,120 69,288,443,668 3,616,258,511,788 0
982 3,300,908,286,032 64,391,783,728 3,365,300,069,760 0
968 2,091,039,421,308 50,108,873,130 2,141,148,294,438 0
727 1,008,885,380,968 12,805,195,648 1,021,690,576,616 0
854 dlep 723,334,381,380 60,805,481,257 784,139,862,637 0
992 telnets 715,398,790,377 30,159,015,176 745,557,805,553 0
808 411,489,175,736 4,580,383,352 416,069,559,088 0
712 tbrpf 308,590,408,416 26,361,915,864 334,952,324,280 0
760 ns 279,961,004,200 12,361,166,508 292,322,170,708 0
767 phonebook 259,186,642,340 19,305,180,604 278,491,822,944 0
827 237,470,927,304 35,706,052,321 273,176,979,625 0
677 vpp 216,919,062,922 15,209,799,440 232,128,862,362 0
718 207,005,818,256 8,189,442,456 215,195,260,712 0
987 146,925,876,800 26,670,067,936 173,595,944,736 0
922 141,706,999,552 10,894,119,736 152,601,119,288 0
939 119,015,579,912 4,852,555,736 123,868,135,648 0
729 netviewdm1 94,036,339,888 16,293,010,652 110,329,350,540 0
705 agentx 62,142,418,784 16,830,651,800 78,973,070,584 0
719 59,206,698,284 4,029,645,716 63,236,344,000 0
51734 58,305,210,272 2,845,085,393 61,150,295,665 0
781 55,320,398,500 4,690,455,780 60,010,854,280 0
733 52,640,587,848 2,135,532,520 54,776,120,368 0
33326 50,710,929,806 2,317,218,747 53,028,148,553 0
878 27,753,787,416 6,594,628,772 34,348,416,188 0
34524 18,260,779,890 884,522,550 19,145,302,440 0
828 itm-mcell-s 2,126,109,140 11,279,180,267 13,405,289,407 0
59903 4,292,714,270 4,915,289,799 9,208,004,069 181
817 5,452,091,720 3,605,012,900 9,057,104,620 0
822 6,946,355,804 656,783,684 7,603,139,488 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total
161 snmp 2,253,909,431 5,224,038,157 7,477,947,588
138 netbios-dgm 198 995,452,587 995,452,785
513 who 0 490,384,809 490,384,809
28014 0 434,716,878 434,716,878
6403 0 223,843,580 223,843,580
29556 0 110,723,217 110,723,217
68 bootpc 54,675,304 54,658,904 109,334,208
137 netbios-ns 33,254,718 50,007,197 83,261,915
5353 mdns 0 47,015,404 47,015,404
29793 0 32,728,086 32,728,086
23 telnet 19,899,153 0 19,899,153
5935 0 13,195,050 13,195,050
55555 1,181,625 1,840,125 3,021,750
281 personal-link 0 1,857,440 1,857,440
28276 0 1,697,637 1,697,637
776 wpages 0 898,320 898,320
29807 0 443,840 443,840
12326 0 234,036 234,036
12315 0 204,880 204,880
24880 0 117,920 117,920
12141 0 56,550 56,550
29746 0 24,078 24,078
258 0 15,431 15,431
12313 0 14,184 14,184
25697 0 8,865 8,865
28532 0 6,984 6,984
1547 laplink 0 6,849 6,849
257 set 0 4,500 4,500
2049 shilp nfs 0 4,464 4,464
33391 2,283 1,122 3,405

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total
138 netbios-dgm 995,452,587 198 995,452,785
6403 490,359,477 0 490,359,477
29746 434,715,332 0 434,715,332
67 bootps 54,658,904 54,675,304 109,334,208
137 netbios-ns 50,006,652 33,254,640 83,261,292
5353 mdns 47,015,732 0 47,015,732
53 domain 14,156,704 23,601,816 37,758,520
28014 13,186,338 0 13,186,338
49761 810,296 647,481 1,457,777
58228 789,606 655,285 1,444,891
53646 782,442 644,806 1,427,248
54761 429,613 140,661 570,274
1547 laplink 453,100 0 453,100
59903 214,638 119,556 334,194
55505 204,770 84,823 289,593
51955 196,251 86,632 282,883
54409 197,311 84,709 282,020
47266 196,220 80,920 277,140
39371 188,728 86,128 274,856
53755 196,164 78,003 274,167
48317 190,306 81,566 271,872
35310 185,529 81,557 267,086
57218 186,451 80,579 267,030
54566 181,207 84,491 265,698
60503 183,360 77,429 260,789
34762 178,543 80,524 259,067
53665 178,426 79,897 258,323
33838 171,078 76,855 247,933
60472 168,166 79,677 247,843
49813 168,533 73,532 242,065

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 642,726,093,100 18,961,395,001,319 19,604,121,094,419
17 udp 2,386,577,564 7,698,455,730 10,085,033,294
1 icmp 1,068,774,534 1,098,803,678 2,167,578,212